If I asked you to become someone’s mentor you will almost certainly know what I am asking you to do. Right?
When we started the programme in Kenya we were met with mixed responses. Our volunteers wanted to be helpful, but didn’t exactly know how and we had a lot to learn too.
It took a while to establish the main stumbling blocks and put in place strategies for our volunteers to be comfortable and happy to take on the role of ‘teachers’ or more precisely, mentors.
Now our group of eight Mentors travel to our new library communities and help them to administer the arts & crafts sessions, encourage them to participate in our Young Writer and other competitions but also to take charge of their libraries’ day-to-day activities.
The programme also helps our Mentors to grow their own confidence, their knowledge and their problem solving skills.
Like everything else we do becoming a Mentor is strictly voluntary and anyone can ‘apply’. In our opinion, there isn’t enough Mentors in the world.
“At first teaching other volunteers was scary, but now I enjoy it and I look forward to every mentoring session.” Rama, Chidzangoni Librarian.