In Kenya we rely on our adult volunteers and because of this we invest heavily in their training and support.
Our training is fun, enjoyable but also vitally important and pretty unique – not much life skills training is given to adults in Kenya. What they learn while running the Library and Learning Centres and by attending our sessions gives them the edge when looking for employment.
Our collaborative approach teaches them to make logical, effective and efficient decisions, solve problems quickly and with long-term solutions in mind, but it also gives them the knowledge to organise events, evaluate their involvement and give constructive feedback.
The adult members of our LLC get a chance to read books they could never have afforded to buy and some learn to read for the first time in their lives.
“I saw volunteering with JBAC as a great opportunity and since attending the training sessions my confidence has grown. I am now the Director of our Voluntary CBO group.” Mwanamisi, age 38