A small group of extremely dedicated people can make extraordinary things happen.
We strongly believe that. We also believe that any change must be encouraged and not forced, must be nurtured and not blindly expected, and must be from within and not from the outside.
With those beliefs in mind we started JBAC back in 2013. We decided that the only way we can ensure children can see their own futures different from their parents living in poverty is by education and exposure to different ways of thinking, looking at the world and dealing with problems.
We realised that the UK has an abundance of books no one seems to need or want to read while Kenya has none, or very few. We also realised that if we want to ensure that as many children have access to those books as possible we need to make sure they are kept in the middle of their communities. And so our pre-loved books found their way in 40ft shipping containers, which when converted by the local communities became the communities’ own Libraries and Learning Centres.
The last building block in our thinking was the need to continuously support the communities and their children in their endeavour in growing their skills and sustaining their newly found love for reading.
And so we promise:
Never allow a perfectly good book to end up in a landfill.
Always work with the local communities allowing them to find their own ways of working with us.
Continue to find ways of supporting each of our Libraries and Learning Centres in ways the local community needs.
Watch our very first Library and Learning Centre being constructed.